Grades K-12 Key Language Uses Posters

SKU: 01-0742

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Grades K-12 Key Language Uses Posters (Set of all 22 posters described below and 3 information sheets) 

  • Grades K-3 Key Language Uses Posters (Set of 6 posters: 1 WIDA ELD Standards poster, 1 Key Language Uses poster, 1 poster for each of the four Key Languages Uses, and a teacher information sheet)  
  • Grades 4-5 Key Language Uses Posters (Set of 6 posters: 1 WIDA ELD Standards poster, 1 Key Language Uses poster, 1 poster for each of the four Key Languages Uses, and a teacher information sheet)  
  • Grades 6-12 Key Language Uses Posters (Set of 10 posters: 1 Key Language Uses poster; 1 poster for each of the most prominent Key Language Uses for math, language arts, social studies, and science, and a teacher information sheet) 

These posters provide a student-friendly focal point for language development in all classrooms. Three different sets of posters highlight the Key Language Uses (Narrate, Inform, Explain, Argue) for reference during instructions, discussions, or reflection at the end of a lesson. Each poster set comes with a helpful teacher information sheet that suggests some starting points for incorporating the Key Language Uses into instruction.  

Dimensions: 18”x24” 

The Key Language Uses are a great entry point into the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards-focused instruction and assessment for educators. The four Key Language Uses can be used by schools and districts across content areas as part of school-wide implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework. Using the KLUs, educators can find common language development strategies, as well as unique ways to use language within each content area. For example, educators developed student portfolios around the four Key Language Uses; read about this Story of Practice in the WIDA Implementation Guide for the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, pp. 61-65.  

The information on these posters is based on the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition.