Grades 6-8 Materials - WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition

SKU: 01-0668

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This resource includes the grades 6-8 materials that are part of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. The materials specific to this grade-level cluster have been assembled to provide educators of students in grades 6-8 with a smaller, more manageable book to support their implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework in their classroom.

The 2020 Edition, is centered on equity and fosters the assets, contributions, and potential of multilingual learners. It enhances and refines ideas and concepts from prior editions and resources, including a robust standards framework that supports equity and provides a coherent approach to language development.

This full-color spiral-bound book features uncoated 70# card stock interior pages to allow for easy note-taking.

This publication is central to WIDA's trusted, comprehensive approach to supporting, teaching, and assessing multilingual learners.

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